2022 Planning: Simplifying Complex Cybersecurity Regulations

2022 Planning: Simplifying Complex Cybersecurity Regulations

Compliance does not equal security, but it’s also true that a strong cybersecurity program meets many compliance obligations. How can we communicate industry regulatory requirements in a more straightforward way that enhances understanding while saving time and effort? How can we more easily demonstrate that a robust cybersecurity program will typically meet many compliance requirements?

Rapid7’s latest white paper, “Simplifying the Complex: Common Practices Across Cybersecurity Regulations,” is an educational resource aimed at breaking down complicated regulatory text into a set of consistent cybersecurity practices. The paper analyzes 10 major cybersecurity regulations, identifies common practices across the regulations, and provides insight on how to operationalize these practices.

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You can also reserve your spot for the upcoming webinar, “Common Cybersecurity Compliance Requirements.” Register now at our 2022 Planning webinar series page. This talk is designed to help you apply simplification practices across regulations and help your team plan for the year ahead.  

Different regulations, common practices

Cybersecurity regulations are complex. They target a patchwork of industry sectors and are enforced by disparate federal, state, and international government agencies. However, there are patterns: Cybersecurity regulations often require similar baseline security practices, even though the legislation may structure compliance requirements differently.

Identifying these common elements can help regulated entities, regulators, and cybersecurity practitioners communicate how compliance obligations translate to operational practices. For example, an organization’s security leader(s) could use this approach to drive executive support and investment prioritization by demonstrating how a robust security program addresses an array of compliance obligations facing the organization.

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