2024 Supercon: Third Round of Super Speakers

2024 Supercon: Third Round of Super Speakers

The third and final round of the 2024 Supercon talks announcements brings us to the end, and the full schedule is now up on Hackaday.io.

With Supercon just a couple weeks away, we hope you have your tickets already! Stay tuned tomorrow for a badge reveal.

Alex ToussaintHow to detect – and kill – mosquitoes with off-the-shelf electronics

I’d like to talk about the physics of sonar and small insect detection, with a focus on the off-the-shelf electronics that allow us to study it cheaply. I’ll talk about ultrasonic phased arrays, why nature (bats) uses ears instead of phased arrays, what the optimal wavelength is for ultrasonic detection, and cover automated target recognition. You’ll learn how accessible ultrasonic sonars are to the average hacker, and how much they can teach us about the physics of radar and wave propagation.

Azita EmamiIntelligent Devices for Brain-Machine-Interfaces and Health Monitoring

This talk discusses the design challenges and promises of future wearable and implantable devices. Join us as we take a look at wireless health monitoring with tiny chips, and the hardware-software co-design for Brain-Machine-Interfaces (BMI).

Dave RowntreeProduct prototyping: My journey from electronics consultant to a more complete prototyper

This talk is about my ongoing journey from a work-from-home electronics prototyper to a complete system prototyper working on a multi-disciplinary project as part of a startup. I’m puttin ..

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