250,000+ Login/Passwords Leaked in The Trident Crypto Fund Data Breach

250,000+ Login/Passwords Leaked in The Trident Crypto Fund Data Breach

More than 260,000 customers’ data was compromised online in a gigantic data breach that went down pretty recently.

Trident Crypto Fund, per reports, experienced this data breach which gave rise to the leakage of thousands of customer records including usernames and passwords, online.

Per sources, Trident is a crypto-investment index fund that functions as an arm of the “Dragonara Business Center”, Italy. It also is reportedly the “first coin-based index fund”.

And like scattered sugar for ants, the leaked records were immediately devoured by the cyber-cons right after they were compromised.

Per sources, personal data of over 260,000 registered users of the Trident Crypto Fund was left bare for people to exploit as per they wished to.

Reports mention that the leaked data comprised of phone numbers, encrypted passwords, email addresses, and IP addresses.

The aforementioned data was discovered to be published on several “file-sharing” websites in the past month.

According to researchers, the hackers had evidently de-crypted the stolen files and published an array of over 120,000 passwords at the beginning of March. It was also found out that the password and login ID pairs were matchless with the ones previously leaked.

The details or even the mention of the data breach haven’t appeared on the website or on other communication platforms. But reportedly, a victim of the breach was contacted who confirmed the connection between the fund and the leaked data.

As mentioned on the fund’s website, the company “works hard” to protect its customers’ data and secure accounts. They allegedly are also investigating the “suspected breach”.

The Russians were the ones to get heavily ..

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