3 Common Threats to Look for in Your Network Data

3 Common Threats to Look for in Your Network Data

Continuously monitoring your network activity for signs of attack is a great way to catch hackers and breaches before they become problems. However, network traffic data can be overwhelming based on the sheer amount generated, not to mention its confusing complexity. Wading through the noise is a top priority for security professionals so they can detect threats early and react swiftly.  

Network traffic analysis (NTA) can be used to enable deeper visibility on any network and monitoring, troubleshooting both security and operational issues at any location on the network. Here are three common threats to keep an eye out for in your network data:

1. Suspicious traffic

Over the past few years, attackers have turned more and more to infiltrating networks through various protocols to wreak havoc on infrastructure. Keeping an eye on inbound and outbound traffic can help you recognize bad actors before they cause problems. Here are a few common entry points for hackers to your network:

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)

If your organization is a Windows shop, you probably know that Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is pre-installed on Windows PCs. It’s a useful tool for IT professionals to fix common issues with desktops and laptops within organizations. However, it’s also a vulnerable entry point for hackers, especially if your organization hasn’t been keeping up with security patching.

Hackers can use RDP to gain access to sysadmin passwords, and from there, they can install ransomware, setting your organization up for some major headaches. They can also sell the stolen credentials to third parties who can use them against you weeks or even months ..

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