4 Best Practices for Digital Risk Monitoring in Today’s “New Normal”

The COVID-19 pandemic has vastly altered the practice of digital risk monitoring. A shift to worldwide remote workforces and workstreams, cloud adoption, and a greater reliance on the digital supply chain has resulted in an expanded attack surface.

Against this backdrop, your organization must adapt the way it monitors for digital risk and protects against cyberattacks. But how do you keep a constant check on your propensity for risk, both internally and across your vendor network?

Let’s look at four best practices for digital risk monitoring in today’s evolving “new normal.”

1. Understand your attack surface

Digital risk monitoring is most effective when you have a full grasp of the digital assets in your IT environment. After all, you can’t secure what you can’t see.

Tools like BitSight Attack Surface Analytics make it easy to validate and manage your entire digital footprint – across various geographies, business units, subsidiaries, cloud service providers, and home offices.  

With a complete view of your organization’s digital assets (including shadow IT), you can identify each digital asset, its location, and the corresponding cyber risk. For instance, if the marketing team is using a SaaS application without IT’s knowledge, security teams can quickly discover the asset and understand its potential for risk. Security analysts can also be alerted to unauthorized cases of servers spun up in the cloud, such as an AWS instance in Germany, or other cloud instances that aren’t listed in your organization’s inventory of contracted cloud service providers. 

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