4 Key Reasons Why The Bitcoin Bull Run Is Far From Over

4 Key Reasons Why The Bitcoin Bull Run Is Far From Over
In an analysis shared via X, renowned crypto analyst Ted (@tedtalksmacro) has provided compelling evidence to support his assertion that the current Bitcoin bull run is far from over. Ted’s insights are based on four critical indicators related to traditional finance and crypto liquidity, each pointing to sustained growth in the near future. Here’s a breakdown of his analysis: #1 65-Month Liquidity Cycle Ted highlights the 65-month liquidity cycle, a historical pattern that marks the ebb and flow of liquidity in financial markets. According to his analysis, this cycle bottomed out in October 2023, signaling the beginning of a new expansion phase. Related Reading: Most Important Bitcoin Indicator Nears Bullish Flip: $150,000 Soon? “We are now in the expansion phase, which is expected to peak in 2026,” Ted stated. This projection aligns with the anticipated easing by central banks in response to slowing economic data over the next 18 to 24 months. Historically, increased liquidity has been a precursor to bull markets in various asset classes, including Bitcoin and the broader crypto ecosystem. #2 M2 Money Supply The M2 money supply, ..

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