4 tactics for cybersecurity at home or work

4 tactics for cybersecurity at home or work

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month thanks to a 2004 initiative by the Department of Homeland Security. Since 2004, cybersecurity threats have become increasingly sophisticated, and the last 18 years have also produced an impressive array of cybersecurity defenses. Yet often the best defense tactics for individuals are still the classic, time-tested methods. Let’s take a look at some of the best tactics remote users have to defend their networks: Tactic #1: Keep your home network free of intruders
Ensure your passwords are strong and secure. Check your wifi name for two weaknesses: names that reveal personal information or are determined by default. Be careful with whom you share your personal wifi password/access and enable the built-in firewall on your laptop or desktop computer. You may even consider installing antivirus software or a stronger firewall on your devices. If your internet access is provided by a third party, you may have to reach out to request information about how your wifi is configured.
Tactic #2: Keep unnecessary information out of the spotlight
Most of the time when we’re online, we submit personal information on websites secured by TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.2. TLS is just one of the tools that keeps information encrypted so that outsiders can’t view what they aren’t privy to. We all like to be online, however, and we particularly enjoy sharing and scrolling on social media. Much of what we post on social media is public, so we should be careful not to post confidential information, whether personal or corporate. This type of information clearly includes passwords and financial information, but phone numbers, addresses, health information, and other similar data can be harmful if released. In some cases, even information such as ..

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