5 Best Threat Hunting Tools for Your Security Team

5 Best Threat Hunting Tools for Your Security Team

Modern cybersecurity defense mechanisms are no longer only defensive. The more you care about cybersecurity the more you need to start acting offensively. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should start hacking the hackers. But there are some offensive cybersecurity processes and tools that can help improve your security posture. In this post, you’ll learn about one of those processes: threat hunting. We’ll briefly explain what it is and then talk about the five best tools for threat hunting. 

What is Threat Hunting

Before diving into specific tools, let’s quickly define threat hunting for those of you not so familiar with it. Threat hunting means proactively searching for cybersecurity threats in your network. So basically, you’re trying to be one step ahead of the attackers. Traditionally, when we think about cybersecurity, we think about defensive tools like firewalls or scanning tools that periodically search for threats in your infrastructure. But with threat hunting, you actually go and search for threats that could potentially bypass your firewall and remain undetected by your scanners. 

Threat hunting used to be a manual process. In addition, it required quite advanced knowledge because if a threat was undetected by your traditional tools, this meant it was advanced and well hidden. To actually spot these well-hidden threats required a lot of experience and knowledge from security analysts. Fortunately, nowadays, we have more advanced too ..

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