5 Key Insights from the Gartner® Market Guide for Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)

5 Key Insights from the Gartner® Market Guide for Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)

As the cloud landscape continues to evolve, organizations face the growing challenge of securing their cloud-native applications. We feel the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) provides invaluable insights into the latest trends and technologies that are reshaping how companies protect their digital assets. Below, we highlight five key takeaways from the report to help you navigate the ever-changing cloud security ecosystem.

Key takeaway 1: The expanding attack surface

The attack surface of cloud-native applications is widening, with attackers increasingly targeting runtime environments, networks, compute, storage, identities, and permissions. Misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in APIs and the software supply chain are also primary targets for cybercriminals.

According to Gartner: "CNAPP offerings bring together multiple disparate security and protection capabilities into a single platform focused on identifying and prioritizing excessive risk of the entire cloud-native application and its associated infrastructure."

This comprehensive approach allows organizations to tackle threats head-on and maintain a secure cloud environment.

Key takeaway 2: Evolving developer responsibilities

Developers are taking on more responsibility for security as organizations embrace DevOps and shift left in their security practices. The need for advanced tools that address vulnerabilities and deploy infrastructure as code has become crucial.

The report highlights: "Proactively identifying and prioritizing risks during development, while providing developers with adequate context, is essential due to developers perceiving security as an obstacle."

To support this shift, organizations should look for CNAPP solutions that integrate seamlessly with development processes, offering full life cycle visibility and protection.

Key takeaway 3: The importance of contextual risk analysis

Security teams must prioritize tasks and provide developers with the context needed to remediate issues quickly. Without this ..

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