7 Cybersecurity Trends to Look Out for in 2020

7 Cybersecurity Trends to Look Out for in 2020

If the previous decade were any indication, hackers will become even more aggressive in 2020 and in the following years. Recent studies show alarming statistics that should keep those in the cybersecurity industry on their toes. These include the following:

­An average of 1 hack attempt occur every 39 seconds on devices connected to the internet
As of 2018, hackers have stolen half-billion personal records worldwide
Nearly half of all directed hacking attacks target small businesses

Fortunately, predicting the coming cybersecurity trends in 2020 is easier with the help of log events that reveal how data breaches and attacks have occurred in the past. So what cybersecurity trends are in store for 2020?

1.  The surge in Cybersecurity Spending

Log management providers, as well as organizations with their own IT management teams, are bracing for cybersecurity developments this 2020. Log events play a vital role in cybersecurity and as IT technology enters a new decade, having reasonable foresight using logs can help keep IT techs one step ahead of threats from hackers and malware.

The cybersecurity stats mentioned earlier is the main catalyst for the growing but reasonable fear that business organizations and agencies have for hacking attacks. Nearly 80% of organizations worldwide are expected to earmark additional funds for cybersecurity. This can translate to trillions of dollars in spending for security measures globally for the next few years.

2.  Major Uptick in Cybersecurity Job Openings

Along with the increased spending for cybersecurity, the demand for IT security experts is also expected to increase. As of t ..

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