7 Rapid Questions on our Belfast Placement Programme: Orla Magee and Paddy McDermott

7 Rapid Questions on our Belfast Placement Programme: Orla Magee and Paddy McDermott

Ever wonder what it’s like to be an intern at Rapid7 in Belfast?

Software Engineers Orla Magee and Paddy McDermott share what the interview process looked like for them, along with impactful projects and advice for others exploring Rapid7’s Placement Programme.

What was the interview process like for the Placement Programme?

Paddy: The interview process for Rapid7’s Placement Programme was well structured and welcoming. It consisted of two parts, a one-on-one chat focusing on cultural alignment, and a technical interview with programming questions and a puzzle to solve. The interviewers were approachable, which helped me feel at ease. I felt as though they struck a good balance, assessing my skills without overwhelming me with information and questions. It felt like a genuine attempt to get to know me as a person and assess my skills, rather than just ticking boxes.

Orla: From the start, the talent acquisition team was friendly and communicative, keeping me well-informed about each stage. The interviewers seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me as a person, highlighting that being yourself is crucial in this process. Overall, the interview experience reflected positively on Rapid7's commitment to finding well-rounded individuals who can contribute both technically and culturally to their team, which made me feel at ease and excited for an opportunity to work at Rapid7.

What initially stood out to you about Rapid7?

Paddy: What stood out to me about Rapid7 was the genuine connection I felt with the people I met during the interview process. The interviewers were engaging and approachable, which gave me a strong sense of the company’s collaborative culture. Another thing that caught my attention was Rapid7’s commitment to growing new talent. This became clear when ..

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