7 ways malware can get into your device

7 ways malware can get into your device

You know that malware is bad, but are you also aware of the various common ways in which it can infiltrate your devices?

Malware has been one of the most common threats that netizens face daily. However, although you have heard about the various types of malware you can encounter, chances are you don’t know how these malicious programs are able to infest your devices.

While knowing what types of threats exist is the first step towards protecting yourself and your devices, the next and arguably more important step is to know how threat actors try to sneak these malicious pieces of code into your computers, smartphones, and tablets. To help you combat these threats, we look at some of the most common methods and tactics used to tricking netizens into downloading malware and compromising their data and security.

Phishing and malspam emails

While usually the main objective of phishing emails is to wheedle sensitive information out of you such as your access credentials to various services, your card verification code (last three digits on the backside of your payment card), PIN code, or other personally identifiable information (PII) by masquerading as a trusted institution, they may contain attachments or links that will lead to your device getting infested with malware.

Therefore, it’s always prudent to not just skim over your emails but read them thoroughly. More often than not you’ll notice dead giveaways that you’re dealing with a scam. Telltale signs usually include spelling mistakes, evoking a sense of urgency, requesting personal information, or the email originating from a suspicious domain.

Fraudulent websites

To trick victims into downloading maliciou ..

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