ACDS Unveils New Updates to EASM Platform, Enhancing Security For Enterprises

Advanced Cyber Defence Systems (ACDS) has unveiled various updates to its EASM tool, Observatory. Its new capabilities include an ability to monitor for leaked AWS access and secret keys, as well as a new detection feature for software supply chain vulnerabilities, including known compromised products with backdoors like Polyfill. 

As the threat landscape becomes more complex, both businesses and IT strategies are in constant flux. The rapid growth of cloud service providers, like AWS, whose revenue has multiplied 25 times in the last decade, underscores this evolution. For ACDS customers, this translates to seamless cloud workload transitions, scaling resources as needed. However, this agility creates a dynamic attack surface, changing daily as workloads shift and IPs are reassigned. The ACDS Cybersecurity Challenges in 2024 Report revealed that half of security professionals believe that it is likely that there are devices connected to their company’s network that they are not aware of. Effectively securing enterprise assets requires precise attack surface identification and knowing all assets, subdomains, IPs, and critical systems. With each workload change, the risk profile shifts, demanding continuous monitoring and management of emerging vulnerabilities.

Observatory is a market defining external attack surface management (EASM) tool that scans billions of internet-facing IP and port combinations, as well as validates, identifies, and defends against known and unknown threats. Unlike the more conventional method of vulnerability scanning, Observatory maps an organisation’s entire vulnerability landscape. Using proprietary algorithms, unique ACDS intelligence is used to pull out the most relevant constellations of threats for an organisation to prioritise in remediation and proactive protection. The solution uses a three-pronged approach to holistically secure an organisation’s entire network: Discovery, Validation, and Ins ..

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