Ad-injecting malware hijacks Chrome, Edge, Firefox - Help Net Security

Ad-injecting malware hijacks Chrome, Edge, Firefox - Help Net Security

When searching for things online, has a greater number of ads than usual been popping up at the top of your search results? If it has, and you’re using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, or Mozilla Firefox, you might have fallen prey to the ad-injecting Adrozek malware.

According to Microsoft, cybercriminals have been pushing it on users since at least May 2020 and, at its peak in August, it was observed on over 30,000 devices every day.

“Adrozek shows that even threats that are not thought of as urgent or critical are increasingly becoming more complex. And while the malware’s main goal is to inject ads and refer traffic to certain websites, the attack chain involves sophisticated behavior that allow attackers to gain a strong foothold on a device,” the Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team injecting malware hijacks chrome firefox security