Addressing the Evolving Attack Surface Part 1: Modern Challenges

Addressing the Evolving Attack Surface Part 1: Modern Challenges

Lately, we’ve been hearing a lot from our customers requesting help on how to manage their evolving attack surface. As new 0days appear, new applications are spun up, and cloud instances change hourly, it can be hard for our customers to get a full view of risk into their environments.

We put together a webinar to chat more about how Rapid7 can help customers meet this challenge with two amazing presenters Cindy Stanton, SVP of Product and Customer Marketing, and Peter Scott, VP of Product Marketing.

At the beginning of this webcast, Cindy highlights where the industry started from traditional vulnerability management (VM) which was heavily focused on infrastructure but has evolved significantly over the last couple of years. Cindy discusses this rapid expansion of the attack surface having been accelerated by remote workforces during the pandemic, convergence of IT and IoT initiatives, modern development of applications leveraging containers and microservices, adoption of the public cloud, and so much more. Today, security teams face the daunting challenge of having so many layers up and down the stack from traditional infrastructure to cloud environments, applications, and beyond.They need a way to understand their full attack surface. Cindy, gives an example of this evolving challenge of increasing resources and complexity of cloud adoption below.

Cindy then turns things over to Peter Scott to walk us through the many challenges security teams are facing. For example, traditional tools aren’t purpose-built to keep pace with cloud environment, getting complete coverage of assets in your environment requires multiple solutions from different vendors that are all speaking diff ..

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