Ageist AI Algorithms | Avast

Ageist AI Algorithms | Avast
David Strom, 19 May 2021

While social justice issues involving algorithms receive attention, there's little discussion around ageist algorithmic bias

Algorithms are under attack, but so far, the score seems to be Machines: 1, Humans: 0. While we haven’t quite reached the point of Skynet Armageddon, the machines are making significant strides in keeping track and taking advantage of the various carbon-based life forms on the planet.
Before we dive into the finer points, let’s review where things stand in popular culture. 
We’ve already reviewed Netflix’s The Social Dilemma docufilm and pointed out the issues about how social media companies compromise our general privacy. I also took a look at the 2019 TV series All Hail the Algorithm. Its fourth episode focuses on the potential abuse of biometrics — and, particularly, how we have little to no control over how our faces and other biometric data is used and can be abused. 
This is also the subject of the latest Netflix documentary, Coded Bias, which was released last year. The film covers the problems of using algorithms to make decisions about hiring and firing employees, monitoring parolees, and how China has deployed its facial recognition software to track its citizens and authenticate their purchases and movements. 
The movie follows a few AI activists who are trying to get US Congress to pass laws (such as the Algorithm Accountability Act) to regulate how algorithms interact with us and who’s ultimately given legal recourse ..

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