All my Android Devices are being Spyed by someone

All my Android Devices are being Spyed by someone
Hallo everyone, all my devices, android, windows system and console xbox is being spyed by someone continuosly. the person that is introduced on my devices is able to remotely see all devices on his devices and perform different kind of manipulation at his wish. i would like to solve and stop this is able to see my browser, the video i'm watching, my bank account, everything.

i noticed that:

- on android devices the page are scrooled up and down, browsing page are suddenly closed

- on tablet the mouse pointer move around sometime

- multiple mails were hacked and i could no longer log-in

- i received many anonymous phone calls and when answered the called doesnt talk..

- when i called someone for a long period of time everytime i call the hacker was able to reboot the device after some moment i started calling..

- i could no longer use one of my phone because the stalker keep rebooting it

- on mobile router is able to cut off the connection

- on normal router is able to cut connection, change parameters, slow down internet etc..

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