Analyst Says Ethereum Spot ETFs Approval Will See “Animal Spirits” Reignite Crypto – What This Means

Analyst Says Ethereum Spot ETFs Approval Will See “Animal Spirits” Reignite Crypto – What This Means
A crypto analyst has made a rather cryptic prediction, suggesting that the approval of Ethereum Spot ETFs by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) could unleash a new wave of “animal spirits.” This term in crypto is often used to describe an irrational exuberance and optimism that fuels financial markets.  Ethereum Spot ETF To Reignite Animal Spirits In an X (formerly Twitter) post on May 22, a crypto analyst identified as “the DeFi Villain,” made a bold forecast, anticipating the resurgence of the bull run altcoin season following the SEC’s approval of Ethereum Spot ETF. The analyst revealed that the approval could let loose “animal spirits,” driving renewed demand and positive sentiment in the market and possibly resulting in a bull market.  Related Reading: Bitcoin Price Drop Below $70,000 Apparently Driven By Lack Of Interest, Glassnode Data Shows The analyst outlined a long list of altcoins that outperformed and experienced remarkable rallies in 2021. These rallies propelled each of their market capitalizations from mere hundreds of millions to billions in the span of a few days and months. ..

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