Announcing Kraken’s $100M+, $250M+ and $500M+ volume fee tier trial

Starting Aug. 1, 2023 0:00 a.m. UTC through Sept. 30, 2023 11:59 p.m. UTC,* we will offer the following fee tiers:

  • $100M+: 8 bps taker, 0 bps maker

  • $250M+: 6 bps taker, 0 bps maker

  • $500M+: 4 bps taker, 0 bps maker

  • Who is eligible?

    All clients who trade over $100M, $250M or $500M in total spot crypto volume on a 30-day rolling basis will automatically be placed in this trial’s corresponding fee tier.

    Trading volume is calculated across all traded pairs with the exception of markets where stablecoins or fiat currencies are the base currency (the first currency listed in a pair – in USDC/USD, USDC is the base currency). Click here for more info on how trading fees for our stablecoins and FX pairs work.

    The 30-day rolling volume is c ..

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