Announcing Super-Volume Rebate Tiers for Kraken Futures

We’re always looking for ways to improve your trading experience. That’s why we’re excited to announce a new trial that offers maker rebates to high-volume futures traders.

Traders with 30-day volumes of $250M+ on select futures contracts will automatically earn maker rebates up to 0.01%.

Kraken Futures Super-Volume Rebate Tiers details

BTC Perpetual Contracts (Single and Multi-collateral)

  • $250M+ volume = +0.01% maker rebate

  • ETH Perpetual Contracts (Multi-collateral) + 65 others*

  • $250M+ volume = +0.00125% maker rebate

  • $500M+ volume = +0.0025% maker rebate

  • $1B+ volume = +0.005% maker rebate

  • Our goal is simple: incentivize tight spreads and high liquidity

    Maker rebates reward clients that add significant liquidity – which results in better pricing for everyone.

    This trial covers select futures contracts for the next three months. We need your help testing if these incentiv ..

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