Anomali November Quarterly Product Update

We’re excited to announce our quarterly platform update for November. This update introduces new capabilities that automate defense actions and allow enterprise organizations to understand their relevant threat landscape and visualize what’s happening inside and outside their network.

Key highlights for this quarter include:

Attack Surface Management
Visualizations of Attack Flow Patterns
Anomali Intelligence Channels 
Cloud XDR Data Usage and Notification
Feeds Health Status


Attack Surface Management:

Understanding your threat landscape is essential in knowing which assets you need to protect. With this release, we’re proud to offer a unique Attack Surface Management solution that provides cyber security teams with a comprehensive, accurate view of their environment through the eyes of the attacker. 

“Recent ESG Research showed that security operations have become more difficult at most organizations over the past few years, partly due to a growing attack surface,” said Jon Oltsik, Senior Principal Analyst and Fellow, Enterprise Strategy Group. 

Anomali’s Attack Surface Management provides visibility into ALL external facing assets to identify exposures, enabling organizations to understand impact based on asset criticality, vulnerability, and attack severity. This allows analysts to prioritize investigation activities and perform remediation of misconfigured assets and security controls.

The real power is using it in combination with other Anomali solutions. For example, with Anomali Match, organizations can prioritize asset remediation based on real, detected threats to exposed assets. With this, they can assess the potential impact of the threat actors targeting organizations, their motivations for attacking, and their tactics and techniques as they carry out an active campaign.

Anomali’s proprietary data provides a point in time and a historical view with insights that others can’t. Reach out or download our datasheet to learn more.

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