Arcane stealer: We want all your data

Arcane stealer: We want all your data

At the end of 2024, we discovered a new stealer distributed via YouTube videos promoting game cheats. What’s intriguing about this malware is how much it collects. It grabs account information from VPN and gaming clients, and all kinds of network utilities like ngrok, Playit, Cyberduck, FileZilla and DynDNS. The stealer was named Arcane, not to be confused with the well-known Arcane Stealer V. The malicious actor behind Arcane went on to release a similarly named loader, which supposedly downloads cheats and cracks, but in reality delivers malware to the victim’s device.


The campaign in which we discovered the new stealer was already active before Arcane appeared. The original distribution method started with YouTube videos promoting game cheats. The videos were frequently accompanied by a link to an archive and a password to unlock it. Upon unpacking the archive, the user would invariably discover a start.bat batch file in the root folder and the UnRAR.exe utility in one of the subfolders.

Archive root

Contents of the “natives” subfolder

The contents of the batch file were obfuscated. Its only purpose was to download another password-protected archive via PowerShell, and unpack that with UnRAR.exe with the password embedded in the BATCH file as an argument.

Contents of the obfuscated start.bat file

Following that, start.bat would use PowerShell to launch the executable files from the archive. While doing so, it added every dr ..

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