Artificial intelligence threats in identity management

The 2023 Identity Security Threat Landscape Report from CyberArk identified some valuable insights. 2,300 security professionals surveyed responded with some sobering figures:

68% are concerned about insider threats from employee layoffs and churn
99% expect some type of identity compromise driven by financial cutbacks, geopolitical factors, cloud applications and hybrid work environments
74% are concerned about confidential data loss through employees, ex-employees and third-party vendors.

Additionally, many feel digital identity proliferation is on the rise and the attack surface is at risk from artificial intelligence (AI) attacks, credential attacks and double extortion. For now, let’s focus on digital identity proliferation and AI-powered attacks.

Digital identities: The solution or the ultimate Trojan horse?

For some time now, digital identities have been considered a potential solution to improve cybersecurity and reduce data loss. The general thinking goes like this: Every individual has unique markers, ranging from biometric signatures to behavioral actions. This means digitizing and associating these markers to an individual should minimize authorization and authentication risks.

Loosely, it is a “trust and verify” model.

But what if the “trust” is no longer reliable? What if, instead, something fake is verified — something that should never be trusted in the first place? Where is the risk analysis happening to remedy this situation?

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