ASCO Industries silent on ransomware attack | SC Media

ASCO Industries silent on ransomware attack | SC Media

Reports that Belgian aerospace manufacturer ASCO Industries has shuttered several factories due to a ransomware attack on June 7 is certainly news, but what is causing even more raised eyebrows is the company’s almost complete silence on the issue.

ASCO, which is in the process of being acquired by Wichita, Kan.-based Spirit AeroSystems, reportedly confirmed to the Belgian news site Data News that it had suffered a ransomware attack and has brought in outside help, but declined to offer any additional details. Reports also indicated ASCO has shut down some of its Belgian factories, putting more than 1,000 workers on the sidelines, but the company has not made an official statement.

However, proposed buyer Spirit has told SC Media that it was informed by ASCO of the attack on June 11, but could offer no additional details on the incident.

“On July 11, Asco Industries confirmed a malicious intrusion on their servers and communicated that information to public authorities, customers and ..

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