Astronaut Advice: How to Cope with Social Distancing

Astronaut Advice: How to Cope with Social Distancing

Col. Michael E. Fossum has some tips for coping with social distancing that he learned while he was in space as an astronaut.

Social distancing because of the COVID-19 pandemic has people around the world struggling to cope with isolation and the related stress.

If anyone has expert advice on how to deal with the frustrations of self-isolation, it’s Fossum, a former astronaut and CEO of Texas A&M University at Galveston. He’s a veteran of three space flights and spent more than 194 days in space during his 19-year career with NASA.

Here, Fossom offers some tips on how to cope with stay-at-home orders during the pandemic:

Q: How did you train for being isolated as part of a small team and spending lots of time by yourself in an enclosed area?

To prepare, I talked to others who’d been there and dealt with it to understand what it was really like.

Once up there, I stayed busy and I learned how to cope and used the tools I had to stay connected to my family and friends. When I had time, I would reach out and make phone calls to my wife and kids and or old friends.

I continued serving as the Scoutmaster of a Boy Scout Troop while I was in space and did a personal conference with every one of my Scouts from space.

Maintaining this little bit of normalcy was important to me.

Q: What kind of living space did you have? Did you feel confined?

Two of my space shut ..

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