Attorney General Bonta Announces Sentencing of Vista Caretaker for Committing Multiple Acts of Financial and Sexual Elder Abuse in San Diego County

Attorney General Bonta Announces Sentencing of Vista Caretaker for Committing Multiple Acts of Financial and Sexual Elder Abuse in San Diego County

OAKLAND – California Attorney General Rob Bonta today announced the sentencing of Brandon Benavente, a San Diego County caretaker for elderly and dependent persons, for sexually assaulting three elderly dependents, and stealing personal property including money, jewelry, and a handgun. In the San Diego County Superior Court, Benavente was sentenced to 14 years and four months in prison, which is one of the longest elder abuse sentences imposed in a case brought by the California Department of Justice. Benavente’s girlfriend and co-defendant Odaliz Mendez was previously sentenced on January 12 to credit time served and 2 years of felony probation for her involvement in the theft scheme. As part of his sentence, Benavente will be ordered to pay restitution, which will be determined at a later date. In December 2021, Benavente pled guilty to 11 felonies relating to sexual assault, financial and elder abuse, as well as theft – Mendez also pled guilty to multiple felonies relating to her involvement in the theft scheme. 

“My office will not stand for abuse of the elderly by their caretakers. The crimes that took place under the care of Brandon Benavente are unacceptable. No caretaker should expect to get away with sexually, physically, or financially abusing any senior citizen in our state,” said Attorney General Bonta. “In securing today’s sentencing, the exceptional work by both our law enforcement partners and our Division of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse shows that those who commit abuse against vulnerable elders will be held accountable for their crimes. At the California Department of Justice, we will continue to do our part to keep our loved ones safe from all forms of elder abuse.” 

In May 2020, Benavente was caught on video surveillance entering the room of a resident and removing cash from the resident’s wallet, prompting an investigation by the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office. In Ju ..

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