The Australian Trade and Investment Commission's Landing Pad in Singapore has unveiled eight start-ups in the fields of cyber security, fintech and human resources tech. They will be based in the city state while undergoing a 90-day customised residency program.
A statement from Austrade said the eight start-ups had the chance to make their pitches to more than 80 people, including investors, the start-up community, thought leaders and corporates.
For this group of eight start-ups, Austrade has partnered with the Australian Cyber Security Growth Network.
The start-ups are:
The Landing Pad program is part of Australia’s National Innovation and Science Agenda and it also operates in San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Shanghai and Berlin.
The Australian Trade and Investment Commission unveils the eighth cohort of market-ready start-ups at the Landing Pad program in Singapore.
Each Landing Pad assists market-ready Australian start-ups and scale-ups in accessing some of the world’s most renowned innovation ecosystems.
Austrade Singapore trade commissioner Taliessin Reaburn said: "The Landing Pad in Sing ..
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