Beers with Talos Ep. #90: Hacktivism – Understanding the real-world consequences

Beers with Talos Ep. #90: Hacktivism – Understanding the real-world consequences

Beers with Talos (BWT) Podcast episode No. 90 is now available. Download this episode andsubscribe to Beers with Talos: If iTunes and Google Play aren't your thing, click here.
By Mitch Neff.Recorded July 31, 2020

This week in BWT land, we’re discussing hacktivism — from the unintended consequences to the tropes perpetuated by Hollywood. Regardless of the reason or cause, hacktivism often wields DDoS and web defacement as easily deployed tools. We discuss some instances where using code as a weapon without deeper understanding can have disastrous consequences. The crew also digs deeper into the ethical considerations of hacktivism, pseudo-anonymity and the intended effect of civil disobedience on society.

 The timeline:

00:45 — Roundtable: Remembering civil rights hero John Lewis
06:30 — The misalignment of intent, understanding, and outcomes
10:40 — How DDoS works for the uninitiated
19:15 — Considering the ethics of hacktivism
23:00 — The dynamics of pseudo-anonymity in civil disobedience
27:15 — Understanding the personal cost of internet aggression
32:00 — Closing thoughts, parting shots

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