Best web application firewall testing tools: Find out what security solutions a target website is using. WAF hacking

A web application firewall (WAF) is a program designed to analyze incoming requests to a web server and, according to the rules established by administrators, filter those requests that may be dangerous for an online platform.

According to specialists in web application security, the use of WAF solutions limits the risk of exploitation of known vulnerabilities in websites, since requests from payloads cannot reach the web server or the web application, being rejected by this security tool. That is why these solutions are a fundamental part of an adequate web security environment.

A limited solution

Implementing a WAF is not as simple as it should be, as you need to apply the correct settings. Some WAF applications simply do nothing after installation because they disable all filtering rules. Also, if all WAF rules are simply activated, the web server may stop working, as almost all web requests will be considered potentially dangerous, so web administrators will need to decide wisely which filters to implement.

There are hundreds of WAF solutions and they all vary greatly, although your configuration of some of them boils down to enabling and disabling categories of filtered threats in the web interface. To customize some of them, you need to edit text files that describe dangerous queries in your own WAF language.

To configure WAF rules as strictly as possible, Web application security specialists recommend enabling rules that deny everything except the necessary types of requests to the Web server. To do this, you need, first of all, to have a good understanding of how the protected website works, what you need and what you don’t; and, se ..

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