Beware of WhatsApp video call scams: Fraudsters use AI to impersonate loved ones for money

Beware of WhatsApp video call scams: Fraudsters use AI to impersonate loved ones for money

Scammers exploit WhatsApp video calls with AI-generated faces and voices, tricking victims into sending money.

AI-powered WhatsApp video call scam: In today's digital era, cyber fraud has surged globally. India, with its widespread smartphone use and online payment adoption, faces increased vulnerability. Scammers employ diverse tactics like OTP scams, fake bank employee impersonations, Google Maps deceptions, SMS cons, and more to defraud individuals of their earnings.

Now, scammers have devised a new method to dupe individuals, and it involves exploiting the WhatsApp video call feature. In this scheme, scammers initiate video calls from unknown numbers. If you accept the call, you'll see the face of someone who appears to be a close relative—perhaps your spouse, parent, best friend, or another trusted person. These scammers use AI technology to recreate the same face and voice as your loved ones. During the video call, they typically fabricate a scenario where they urgently need money, taking advantage of your trust to persuade you to make a financial transaction.

Delhi Police's Cyber Crime Advisor, Kislay Choudhary, has reported an uptick in cases involving fraud through WhatsApp video calls in Delhi. He cited an example where a woman received a video call from an unknown number on WhatsApp. The call displayed her husband's image and voice, and he urgently requested a transfer of Rs 2 lakh. The woman complied, falling victim to the scam. According to The Future Crime Research Foundation (FCRF), an organization affiliated with IIT Kanpur, 18% of such cases originate from Bharatpur, Rajasthan, with Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, following closely.

In another incident, a man received a video call from a close friend who appeared in both image and voice on the call. The friend asked for Rs 85,000, and the victim transferred the money, succumbing to ..

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