Binance Coin (BNB) Breaks New Ground With All-Time High Of Nearly $720

Binance Coin (BNB) Breaks New Ground With All-Time High Of Nearly $720
Binance Coin (BNB), the native token of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance, has been on a tear in recent weeks. After breaking free from a period of consolidation, BNB skyrocketed to a new all-time high of $717 on Friday. Despite a minor correction, the coin remains firmly in bullish territory, with analysts predicting further potential for growth. Related Reading: Crypto On Watch: Will ECB Rate Cut Fuel Bitcoin Rally? Surge In Demand Fuels Rally Before its recent climb, BNB had been trading within a sideways range, a pattern commonly observed before a major price shift. This consolidation phase allowed buyers and sellers to reach a temporary balance. However, on June 3, a spike in buying activity pushed BNB past the upper boundary of this range, ending the day at $685. This newfound buying pressure seems to be fueled by a confluence of factors. Increased user engagement on the Binance exchange, coupled with the expanding utility of BNB within its ecosystem (discounts on trading fees, participation in token sales), has likely driven demand for the coin. Additionally, po ..

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