Blockchain-Based ‘Orchid’ VPN Lets You Buy Your Own Private Bandwidth

Blockchain-Based ‘Orchid’ VPN Lets You Buy Your Own Private Bandwidth

Keeping yourself secure on the internet is an uphill task, thanks to data-hungry companies and ill-intentioned hackers who want to grab hold of user data by hook or crook. To keep themselves secure, users have the option of using a virtual private network or VPN to hide their digital footprints.

However, lately, we’ve seen that even VPNs aren’t safe as VPN providers could snoop on your data. This is because they own the decryption key of the anonymous server located in another part of the world through which your data is funneled. This is where you need a blockchain-based VPN like Orchid to maintain total privacy.

Orchid: An Ethereum Based VPN

Orchid offers a decentralized virtual private network by selling proxy bandwidth from a menagerie of global service providers. Users can purchase the required bandwidth using OXT, an Ethereum based cryptocurrency.

You can consider Orchid as an amalgamation of VPN providers all over the world. The idea is to create an uncensorable and anonymous network with the help of different VPN providers without placing your trust in a single provider.

One of the major benefits of Orchid is that it doesn’t operate on the subscription model. It works on the pay-as-you-go model as you can buy bandwidth as per your usage.

Simply put, Orchid allows you to purchase bandwidth from a pool of VPN providers so as to ensure that a single entity isn’t aware of the network stream you’re using as only a part of the stream is flowing through their servers.

blockchain based orchid private bandwidth