BrandPost: Safe at Any Speed: Formalizing Consumer Privacy Risk Management

BrandPost: Safe at Any Speed: Formalizing Consumer Privacy Risk Management

As regulators and legislators consider new approaches to addressing consumer privacy, CISOs and colleagues in technology and consumer products companies that use personal data should reconsider how they’re balancing their management of data privacy risks and the need for speed. Developing a privacy risk analysis capability is a useful way to address consumer privacy issues without impeding the rapid pace at which the company puts forth new products and updates of existing offerings.

Many technology companies update their products on a weekly, if not daily, basis. And many, though certainly not all, of those updates pose potential data privacy risks. The trick is to quickly and reliably identify which new products and/or updates can give rise to privacy risks and then mitigate those risks, while letting updates that have little or no impact on consumer data privacy zip through the filter.

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