Cequence named winner in the Enterprise Security Tech 2023 Cyber Top 20 Awards List

Cequence named winner in the Enterprise Security Tech 2023 Cyber Top 20 Awards List

Cequence is pleased to announce that we have been named to the Enterprise Security Tech 2023 Cyber Top 20 Awards List for our Unified API Protection (UAP) platform! The Cyber Top 20 honors organizations shaping the future of cybersecurity and those that have redefined the approach to protection and defense. The Cequence UAP platform is the only solution that helps organizations manage their API security throughout the complete API lifecycle.

The top 20 cybersecurity companies were named to the list as providing the most value to the market based on:

  • Technical product or service innovation

  • Industry analyst recognition and customer testimony

  • Diversity and inclusion initiatives

  • Talent development initiatives

  • Giving back to the cyber community (resources, education)

  • Cybersecurity is constantly evolving, and nowhere is that more apparent than API security. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) enable communication between modern applications, and in fact make up almost 80% of today’s internet traffic. However, APIs are also becoming one of the most attack vectors for bad actors. Organizations need a solution that protects their APIs and helps eliminate unknown, unprotected, and unmitigated API risk.

    The Cequence UAP platform protects the organizations across the entire API lifecycle including API discovery (automatically discovering both known and unknown APIs), API posture management (ensuring the APIs are in compliance), and API protection (bot mitigation and attack blocking). Our un ..

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