CISOs Preparing for DNS Attacks Over Christmas

CISOs Preparing for DNS Attacks Over Christmas

Just over three-quarters of cybersecurity professionals have said they expect to see an increase in DNS-related security threats over the next few weeks.

In preparation, three in five (59%) have altered their DNS security methods in the run up to the holiday season, according to a new report from the Neustar International Security Council (NISC).

However, 29% have reservations around their ability to respond to DNS attacks, likely attributed to the shifting and complex DNS threat landscape, as some users admitted to having been hit by at least one DNS attack in the past year, including DNS spoofing/cache poisoning (28%), DNS tunneling (16%) and zombie domain attacks (15%).

“Acting as the internet’s address book and backbone of today’s digital services, it’s unsurprising that DNS is an increasingly appealing vector for malicious actors, particularly as more consumers turn to websites during peak online shopping periods,” said Rodney Joffe, chairman of NISC, SVP and fellow, Neustar.

“When successful, DNS attacks can have damaging repercussions to an organization’s online presence, brand and reputation. A domain hijacking attack, for example, can result in hackers taking control of a company’s domain and using it to host malware or launch phishing campaigns that evade spam filters and other reputational protections. In a worst-case scenario, this type of attack can even lead to an organization losing its domain altogether.”

In an email to Infosecurity, Jack Mannino, CEO at nVisium, flagged the threat of DNS tunneling as being a popular exfiltration technique “because DNS is frequently allowed for egress traffic.” ..

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