CISSPs from Around The Globe: An Interview with Theresa Grafenstine

CISSPs from Around The Globe: An Interview with Theresa Grafenstine

The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification is considered to be the gold standard in information security. This is so because of all the doors that certification opens to a CISSP professional. Those doors lead to many different types of positions and opportunities, thus making the information security community dynamic and multifaceted.

In this installment, we talk to Theresa ‘Terry’ Grafenstine. Terry tells us about her time working as the appointed Inspector General of the U.S. House of Representatives and her journey to becoming Chief Auditor for Global Technology at Citi. She shares with us her passion for cybersecurity and her advice for those considering it as a career.

What job do you do today?

I am the Chief Auditor for Global Technology at Citi.

What problems does your job solve?

Citi is one of the largest financial institutions in the world, and it's considered the most global financial institution in the world, meaning that we're in more countries than any other financial institution. We're number one in that regard. Citi obviously is a big player in the financial services space and is considered systemically important to the entire fabric of financial systems across the world. So it's definitely an important organization in terms of the role that I serve. I am the global chief auditor for technology. So what does that mean? I'm providing assurance from a third-line perspective. To clarify, there are three lines of defense. The first line consists of the people that actually enact the controls. The Second line comprises the people who are looking at the risk mana ..

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