Cloud Security: Buyer Be Critical

Cloud Security: Buyer Be Critical

Tailoring solutions to challenges

It takes a toolbox with different, well, tools to secure an ever-expanding operational perimeter in the cloud. Think about what’s under the general daily purview of cloud security teams: preventing misconfigurations, taming threats and vulnerabilities, and so much more. Now, apply that to different high-risk industries around the globe that must build and tailor cloud security solutions to their unique challenges. For instance:

Financial Services: It can be difficult trying to leverage the benefits of digital transformation while attempting to modernize decades of tradition in an old-school industry. Mobile banking/financial services, for instance, has been the one of the largest industry shifts over the past decade and has accelerated cloud adoption in the sector. Thus, security must keep pace with the service’s rapid growth. The desire to operationalize on-premises and cloud practices is typically strong in this industry, but must also take into account client trust in a financial-services partner to protect that client’s bottom line.    Healthcare: With the growing normalization of telehealth services across the spectrum of medical providers, it’s more critical than ever to secure patient health information (PHI) while adhering to regulatory standards like HIPAA. The need for speed and innovation in medicine is critical, so scaling communication and technology operations into the cloud can be incredibly beneficial. However, providers are also continually challenged with securing PHI within new technologies at speed and scale without slowing innovation.    Automotive: With the modernization of engines, software, and connectivity, the need for passenger safety is more important than ever. As more automobile controls are conveniently accessible through cloud-based controls, cyberattacks have correspondingly increased. Ensuring security checks are implemented in the production and design of a new vehicle while also pushing software updates throughout the ownership lifecycle of that vehicle ..

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