Common questions when evolving your VM program

Common questions when evolving your VM program

Authored by Natalie Hurd

Perhaps your organization is in the beginning stages of planning a digital transformation, and it’s time to start considering how the security team will adapt. Or maybe your digital transformation is well underway, and the security team is struggling to keep up with the pace of change. Either way, you’ve likely realized that the approach you’ve used with traditional infrastructure will need to evolve as you think about managing risk in your modern ecosystem. After all, a cloud instance running Kubernetes clusters to support application development is quite different from an on-premise Exchange server!

A recent webinar led by two of Rapid7’s leaders, Peter Scott (VP, Product Marketing) and Cindy Stanton (SVP, Product and Customer Marketing), explored the specific challenges of managing the evolution of risk across traditional and cloud environments. The challenges may be plentiful, but the strategies for success are just as numerous!

Over the course of several years, Rapid7 has helped many customers evolve their security programs in order to keep pace with the evolution of technology, and Peter and Cindy have noticed some themes of what tends to make these organizations successful. They advise working with your team & other stakeholders to find answers to the following questions:

What sorts of resources does your organization run in the cloud, and who owns them?What does “good” look like when securing your cloud assets, and how will you measure success?Which standards and frameworks is your company subject to, compliance or otherwise?

Gathering answers to these questions as early as possible will not only aid in the efficacy of your security program, it will also help to establish strong relationships & understanding amongst key stakeholders.

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