Contec SolarView: Critical Bug Unpatched After 14 MONTHS

Contec SolarView: Critical Bug Unpatched After 14 MONTHS

9.8 CVSS known since May 2022—but still exploitable on 400+ net-connected OT/ICS/SCADA systems.

An “easily exploited, yet critical” vulnerability in Contec’s SolarView SCADA product line is still present on the internet in hundreds of places. It’s actively being exploited by the Mirai botnet family, but researchers fear much worse.

Although the vendor has fixed one version, others remain unpatched. In today’s SB Blogwatch, we wonder why they’re on the internet in the first place.

Your humble blogwatcher curated these bloggy bits for your entertainment. Not to mention: Some kind of fun will now commence.


What’s the craic? Eduard Kovacs reports—“Exploited Solar Power Product Vulnerability”:

“Public since May 2022”Hundreds of energy organizations could be exposed to attacks due to an actively exploited vulnerability affecting a solar power monitoring product. … Contec specializes in custom embedded computing, industrial automation, and IoT communication technology. The company’s SolarView solar power monitoring and visualization product is used at more than 30,000 power stations.…A Mirai variant has been exploiting a vulnerability in SolarView to hack devices and ensnare them into a botnet. … CVE-2022-29303 is one of nearly two dozen targeted. [However,] the security hole was only patched with the release of version 8.0 [but] versions dating back to at least 4.0 are impacted. A Shodan search shows [425] vulnerable … internet-exp ..

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