COVID-19 decoy doc, Cloudflare tools used to spread Blackwater malware

COVID-19 decoy doc, Cloudflare tools used to spread Blackwater malware

Researchers have uncovered a new malware campaign that uses the COVID-19 pandemic as a lure, and also abuses platform-as-a-service web infrastructure tools to apparently thwart attempts at blocking command-and-control communications.

Dubbed BlackWater, the backdoor malware specifically takes advantage of Cloudflare Workers — an offering of Cloudflare, a popular provider of website operators with content delivery network, DDoS mitigation and internet security services. As Cloudflare explains on its own website, Cloudflare Workers offer a “lightweight JavaScript execution environment that allows developers to augment existing applications or create entirely new ones without configuring or maintaining infrastructure.”

These JavaScript programs enable serverless functions to run directly on Cloudflare’s edge, as close as possible to the end user, where they interact with connections from remote web clients, BleepingComputer explains in a report on BlackWater threat, citing research from the MalwareHunterTeam. Under normal conditions, Workers can be used to modify a website’s HTTP requests and responses, make parallel requests and disable Cloudflare features. But malicious actors are now also using them to act as a C2 server, or at minimum a proxy that acts as a front end to a ReactJ ..

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