CVE-2023-4966: Exploitation of Citrix NetScaler Information Disclosure Vulnerability

CVE-2023-4966: Exploitation of Citrix NetScaler Information Disclosure Vulnerability

On October 10, 2023, Citrix published an advisory on two vulnerabilities affecting NetScaler ADC and NetScaler Gateway. The more critical of these two issues is CVE-2023-4966, a sensitive information disclosure vulnerability that allows an attacker to read large amounts of memory after the end of a buffer. Notably, that memory includes session tokens, which permits an attacker to impersonate another authenticated user. On October 17, Citrix updated the advisory to indicate that they have observed exploitation in the wild. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has also added CVE-2023-4966 to their Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog.

On October 25, 2023, security firm Assetnote released an analysis, including a proof of concept, that demonstrates how to steal session tokens. Since then, Shadowserver has noted an uptick in scanning for that endpoint. Rapid7 MDR is investigating potential exploitation of this vulnerability in a customer environment but is not yet able to confirm with high confidence that CVE-2023-4966 was the initial access vector.

Rapid7 recommends taking emergency action to mitigate CVE-2023-4966. Threat actors, including ransomware groups, have historically shown strong interest in Citrix NetScaler ADC vulnerabilities. We expect exploitation to increase. Our research team has a technical assessment of the vulnerability and its impact in AttackerKB.

Affected Products

Citrix published a blog on October 23 that has exploitation and mitigation ..

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