Cyber ​​attacks target Belarus' railroad network and delay Russian troops' domestic floods - Autobala

Some of the computer networks that support Belarus’ country’s rail infrastructure are reportedly still upset by the effects of cyberattacks. They said an independent Hacking group claimed responsibility for the case, partly intended to prevent Russian troops from moving into the country. The Kremlin deployed thousands of troops in Belarus, along with a variety of supplies, including tanks. Short-range ballistic missileAnd fighters, in the last few weeks, Most of them are by train..These units are officially set to participate in large-scale exercises next month, but there remains concern that this may actually be part of Russia’s preparations. Start a new aggression Ukrainian.

Cyber ​​attacks were carried out by a group named Cyber ​​Partisans in Belarus to prevent the continued influx of Russian military equipment into the country.With a message Post to Telegram On January 24, the Hactivist Group wrote that the Belarusian Railways (BelZhD) allowed “occupying forces to enter our lands” at the behest of “Terrorist Lukashenko” or Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

January 24, group I posted a series of requests On Twitter, they claim they must meet before “returning the Belarusian Railway system to normal mode.” These demands include the release of 50 political prisoners detained by the Belarusian government, who are most in need of medical treatment, and “preventing the presence of Russian troops on Belarusian territory.” ..

group cyber attacks target belarus railroad network delay russian troops domestic floods autobala