Cyber Czars, cyber counterespionage, and multidomain ops: notes from three continents. CISA wants to keep Einstein. Securing elections. - The CyberWire

Cyber Czars, cyber counterespionage, and multidomain ops: notes from three continents. CISA wants to keep Einstein. Securing elections. - The CyberWire

At a glance.

  • More on the proposed US cyber czar.

  • Tokyo police go on the alert for cyberespionage.

  • Multidomain operations for the Royal Army.

  • CISA wants to keep, and improve, its Einstein tool.

  • Spies, propagandists, and cyber ward heelers: a look at the US ICA on foreign election influence.

  • Cyber leadership in the US. 

    The Hill reports that US President Biden is facing mounting pressure to fill the open national cyber director role created by the National Defense Authorization Act as the Administration mulls the proper responses to Holiday Bear and Hafnium. A representative of the President said the appointment is “complicated” but “a priority.”

    Federal News Network reiterates that delays in senior cyber nominations and the emerging problem of many hands are raising “alarm” in Congress. Additional unfilled positions include the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency directorship; Energy Department Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response assistant secretariat; State Department Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues; and a handful of cabinet Chief Information Officer roles. 

    Senator Portman (Republican of Ohio) commented, “I’m concerned that…there is the opportunity for duplication, confusion and…lack of accountability.” An Administrative official explained one reason for the holdup in finalizing the cyber czar office as concern about “overlap” with existing responsibilities. Portman wondered whether a cyber czar was necessary given this overlap, while others seconded his worry about “who is in charge” if the czar role is just another among many leadership positions. 

    Tokyo police take on developing foreign cyber threats.

    Faced with growing offensive, espionage, and intellectual property theft c ..

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