Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Cybersecurity awareness for developers

It’s the 21st annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and we’re covering many different angles to help organizations manage their cybersecurity challenges. In this mini-series of articles, we’re focusing on specific job roles outside of cybersecurity and how their teams approach security.

For developers, cybersecurity has historically been a love-hate issue. The common school of thought is that coders are frustrated with having to tailor their work to fit within cybersecurity rules. However, many companies are embracing a security-first approach, and some developers are buying in.

Microsoft is one company that’s trying to change how software developers feel about security and is actively taking steps to train teams in concepts like threat intelligence and attacker motivation.

Siri Varma, tech lead and software development engineer with Microsoft Security, works with both developers and cybersecurity teams every day.

Here, Varma answers three key questions for us about the relationship between developers and cybersecurity:

What barriers exist between developers and cybersecurity?

First, they have different priorities. Developers often prioritize speed, functionality and time-to-market, while cybersecurity teams prioritize safety and risk mitigation. This can lead to friction when security policies impose measures that developers feel slow down their workflow.

For example, a security policy might mandate blocking all traffic to the inte ..

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