Cybersecurity: Ensuring Sanity in Smart Cities

Cybersecurity: Ensuring Sanity in Smart Cities

Currently, we consider ourselves lucky if we don’t get stuck in traffic while driving to the office. The struggle of even finding a parking spot for your car is real. The smart city industry is projected to reach the $400 billion mark by 2020. The urban population is increasing at an alarming rate. According to one survey, 65% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2040. It sounds like chaos to me. We will need cybersecurity to ensure the sanity in smart cities.

In today’s world of digitalization, the world is already familiar with the concept of IoT, AI, and Robotics. Using these latest advancements to our advantage, we can prepare and self-equip our cities to support the increasing urban population.

Currently, only 600 urban cities contribute to 60% of global GDP. The idea of a smart city is to collect information through connected devices and make life more comfortable using these devices for logistics. If we follow the promising results of smart cities, every drive to your office will be a lucky one! You will know exactly where to park your car every time you reach a shopping mall or a supermarket. Sounds perfect.

Cybersecurity in Smart Cities – The Problem Statement

In 2012, a Puerto Rico electric utility company asked the FBI’s help after its smart meters got hacked and reprogrammed. When the company was reprogrammed, it allowed many people to pay substantially lower electricity bills. Smart meters had been introduced by the company to improve the efficiency and comfort of its consumers.

Multiple such cases have ..

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