DarkGate switches up its tactics with new payload, email templates

This post was authored by Kalpesh Mantri. 

Cisco Talos is actively tracking a recent increase in activity from malicious email campaigns containing a suspicious Microsoft Excel attachment that, when opened, infected the victim's system with the DarkGate malware. These campaigns, active since the second week of March, leverage tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that we have not previously observed in DarkGate attacks. These campaigns rely on a technique called “Remote Template Injection” to bypass email security controls and to deceive the user into downloading and executing malicious code when the Excel document is opened.  DarkGate has used AutoIT scripts as part of the infection process for a long time. However, in these campaigns, AutoHotKey scripting was used instead of AutoIT.  The final DarkGate payload is designed to execute in-memory, without ever being written to disk, running directly from within the AutoHotKey.exe process. 

The DarkGate malware family is distinguished by its covert spreading techniques, ability to steal information, evasion strategies, and widespread impact on both individuals and organizations. Recently, DarkGate has been observed distributing malware through Microsoft Teams and even via malvertising campaigns. Notably, in the latest campaign, AutoHotKey scripting was employed instead of AutoIT, indicating the continuous evolution of DarkGate actors in altering the infection chain to evade detection. 

Email campaigns 

This research began when a considerable number of our clients reported receiving emails, each containing a Microsoft Excel file attachment that followed a dis ..

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