De-Weaponizing Sensitive Personal Information In The Phone Channel

That’s according to results from the “2019 State of Call Center Authentication” survey, which found that 51% of respondents from the financial services industry cite the call center as the vector of choice for fraudulent account takeovers. And the growing use of virtualized calls represents an even greater threat than call spoofing, as virtual calls placed through web-based calling services — whether by customers or criminals — are legitimate calls that provide correct signaling data that SIP data analysis will not flag, thus allowing fraudsters to remain hidden. Ownership-factor authentication enables caller authentication by performing a true inspection of the call, device and line type in the network to confirm that the call is coming from a legitimate phone. Auditing a call from end to end, which includes the examination of call routing patterns and a comparison of live inspection data to historic carrier data, allows the contact center to confirm the legitimacy of the user’s phone and generate an authentication token.

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