Delicious irony: Credit rating builder Loqbox lets customer details and card numbers slip after 'sophisticated attack'

Delicious irony: Credit rating builder Loqbox lets customer details and card numbers slip after 'sophisticated attack'

'We are truly sorry'

Fintech startup Loqbox has fessed up to suffering an "attack" which potentially revealed its customers' names, postal addresses, dates of birth, email addresses and phone numbers.

The company, which aims to help consumers improve their credit ratings, told customers that an external attack had compromised the two digits of bank account numbers used to make payments and the sort codes customers can use to unlock their savings. The first six and last four digits of customers' card numbers and expiry dates were also said to be at risk.

"We are doing everything we can to understand how this happened," the customer email - seen by us - states. "We know from our security experts that this was a sophisticated attack. We constantly monitor our systems but have now taken further steps to improve the defences of the LOQBOX computer ..

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