It's important to bridge the gap between DevOps and SecOps.
The International Organisation for Standardisation has published an Open Systems Interconnection reference model for the most basic elements of computer networking which is also known as the ‘7-layer’ model that comprises of structured layer packed with application, presentation, session, transport, network, data-link, and physical layers.
The question arises here: where’s the security layer among this? This can be a tricky question as security must exist at each layer to add up effectiveness.
DevOps and SecOps are the two wonderful practices that are making software deployment exercise more efficient and profitable. Many experts give opinions on how the gaps between these two practices can be reduced and fixed up.
In this article, we will see how to fill in the gaps between DevOps and SecOps.
Why DevOps?
A software developer’s work is said to be completed when it is converted to the application layer. Generally, they do not require any interaction with other layers while developing the software when coding. As the businesses have moved to modular software where every assignment is kept as a micro-service in a compartment that incorporates all the resources which are expected to run regularly on a software-defined virtual machine.
This clears up that the developers need to work more on the cloud environments in order to make their software keep running. An alliance was shaped among the developers and network operators to maintain a strategic distance from the requirement for them to keep rapidly move towards becoming a network operator which was names ‘DevOps’.
DevOps has quickly diminished the number of iterations under software code testing to experiences dispense dis ..
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