Digital-First Economy Has Transformed Role of CISO

A new global survey by Salt Security has found that a digital-first economy has introduced unforeseen risks for nearly 90% of CISOs. The findings were revealed earlier this week in a new “State of the CISO 2023” report. Conducted by Global Surveyz for Salt, the global CISO survey gathered feedback from 300 CISOs/CSOs around the world on issues resulting from digital transformation and enterprise digitalisation. The results highlight significant CISO challenges including the biggest security control gaps they must manage, the most significant personal struggles they face, and the impact that broader global issues are having on their ability to deliver effective cybersecurity strategies.

APIs, which underpin a lot of digital innovation initiatives, stood out as a key focus area for CISOs. 77% of CISOs acknowledge APIs are already a higher priority today vs. two years ago. In addition, API adoption presented the second highest security control gap, after supply chain/third party vendors, resulting from organisations’ digital initiatives.

Roey Eliyahu, CEO and co-founder of Salt Security, adds: “The findings from this worldwide survey clearly show that CISOs face more pressures than ever before as a result of the acceleration of the digital economy over the past two years. APIs are the building blocks of every digital service and a significant amount of risk has shifted towards them. These findings reinforce that organisations must prioritise assessing their API security strategy to ensure they are solving today’s risk and not yesterday’s risk.”

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